Wednesday, 4 July 2012

You Need Me!

As traditional marketing would have us believe, our jobs as marketers among other priorities is to persuade our target markets that they need our product, service, or insight to succeed.  Sadly, this model has been exploded by the reality of two way communication that is the new reality of our ever wired world.  The simple fact is customers are not listening, at least not to the standard pitch of features and benefits.  Prospects are more evolved in their likes and dislikes and at the same time  more suspicious of messaging and product and service delivery in general. 
Given the new market space we find ourselves in today as B2B Marketers we need to leverage technology to both transmit and receive timely feedback with regards the type, detail and frequency of the messaging we provide our markets.  I think we would all agree that usable, relevant content is king, but we need to be sensitive to how and when this information is provided to truly make our offering something customer really want and need.

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