Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Your Not the Boss of Me!

Your Not the Boss of Me !

Have you ever sat in a meeting or job interview and thought to yourself this isn't where I want to be, in fact even if I get this job, sale or promotion its not what I really want.  Well if that's true why where you trying so hard to get that job , slae or position?
I  most cases the answer is simple, you thought that by doing this you could possibly reach a better situation, and then hopefully be richer or freer to pursue what you really wanted.  But why don't we just go after what we really want in the first place? Again, either fear or ignorance of the final destination that our present direction will lead us makes us unwittingly waste days, weeks or even years seeking things that we know deep down won't make us happy or forfilled.
Perhaps, your hearts desire requires making less money, difficult study and or personal sacrifice, but if you knew for a certainty that you couldn't fail what would you try?
No one on their death bed ever wished their life had been duller, shorter or more predictable.
We default to these life-wasting options on an almost cruel belief that this is the only way, the safest way or the practically accepted way to live.
Without struggle or risk how can there be any growth or glory!  We need to search our hearts and our minds for what will truly make us come alive, no matter what others may think or feel about our choice.  Then we need to be brutally honest with ourselves about what we are willing to do within the boundaries of law and ethics to achieve our goal/s.
We need to imagine the achievement as a present fact and visualize our struggles as recollection of in the future, much like badges of honor that were won in Battles remembered.  Our creative selves will begin to construct a compelling Vision which when consistently focused on can't help but to manifest its power in our daily actions, this direction will result in its final realization.  We need to embrace it nurture it and compel it to tell our old ways  of actions thoughts and doubts that they are not ,'the boss of me'! 

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